Title: Shepherd leadership: A managerial leadership theory for the merging of three campuses of the North-West University
First author: Professor Anna-Marie (AMF) Pelser
iD orcid.org/0000-0001-8401-3893
Research Professor, North-West University, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences- Entity Director– GIFT, Mafi keng …
Key factors affecting the quality of maize
Title: Key factors affecting the quality of maize
First author: Thabang Ramogodi
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-8245-2566
PhD candidate, North-West University, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, Potchefstroom Campus.
BSc Plant pathology (UP), BSc (Hons) Plant pathology (UP), MSc Quality Management (UK.)
Co-author: …
Causal attributions of success and failure made by Grade 10-12 Physical Science learners
Title: Causal attributions of success and failure made by Grade 10-12 Physical Science learners
Dr Shreen Gutta – shreen.gutta@gmail.com
Faculty of Education – North West University
Co-author: Dr Noorullah Shaikhnag – Noorullah.Shaikhnag@nwu.ac.za
Id orcid.org/ 0000-0002 1423 7696
Senior lecturer –Deputy …
Killer robots, humanoid companions, and super-intelligent machines: The anthropomorphism of AI in South African news articles
Title: Killer robots, humanoid companions, and super-intelligent machines: The anthropomorphism of AI in South African news articles
Author: Dr. Susan Brokensha and dr. Thinus Conradie, University of the Free State.
Ensovoort, volume 42 (2021), number 6: 3
How artificial …
Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 3
Title: Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 3
Author: Dr. Burgert Senekal, University of the Free State.
Ensovoort, volume 42 (2021), number 6: 2
The first two articles in this three-part article series showed …
Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 2
Title: Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 2
Author: Dr. Burgert Senekal, University of the Free State.
Ensovoort, volume 42 (2021), number 6: 1
Ludwig von Bertalanffy wrote extensively on General Systems Theory (GST) and …
Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 1
Title: Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 1
Author: Dr. Burgert Senekal, University of the Free State.
Ensovoort, volume 42 (2021), number 5: 3
Ludwig von Bertalanffy formulated his General Systems Theory (GST) shortly after …
How to consummate the Research-circle of Completeness in South Africa (8): Part 2
Title: How to consummate the Research-circle of Completeness in South Africa (8): Part 2
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Professor, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty of Humanities, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa (Author and Researcher: Healthcare, Higher Education, …
How to consummate the Research-circle of Completeness in South Africa (7): Part 1
Title: How to consummate the Research-circle of Completeness in South Africa (7): Part1
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Professor, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty of Humanities, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa (Author and Researcher: Healthcare, Higher Education, History …
How to examine the article-format master and doctorate (6): Part 2
Title: How to examine the article-format master and doctorate (6): Part 2
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Professor, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty of Humanities, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa (Author/Researcher: Higher Education, Healthcare, History and Politics).
Corresponding …