Title: Pawning Mandela: The visit of PW Botha to Mobutu Sese Seko, ca. 1988.
A phantastic history.
Afrikaanse titel: Mandela op die koop toe: Die besoek van PW Botha aan Mobutu Sese Seseko, ca 1988. ʼn Vergesogte geskiedenis.
Corresponding Author:…
tydskrif vir kultuurstudies | journal for cultural studies issn 2616-7670
Title: Pawning Mandela: The visit of PW Botha to Mobutu Sese Seko, ca. 1988.
A phantastic history.
Afrikaanse titel: Mandela op die koop toe: Die besoek van PW Botha aan Mobutu Sese Seseko, ca 1988. ʼn Vergesogte geskiedenis.
Corresponding Author:…
Title: Critical factors affecting the success of emerging farmers in South Africa
First author: Thabang Ramogodi
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-8245-2566
PhD candidate, North-West University, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, Potchefstroom Campus.
BSc Plant pathology (UP), BSc (Hons) Plant pathology (UP), MSc …
Title: South Africa’s propaganda war: the information campaign to influence the United States of America, 1972-1978
Authors: J.K. Haasbroek, J-A. Stemmet and M. Oelofse[*]
Ensovoort, volume 41 (2020), number 9: 3
In an effort to counter anti-apartheid forces, …
Title: The blue-eyed devil rapists: An exploration of the discourse on Twitter around land thieves in a South African context
Author: Dr. Burgert Senekal, University of the Free State.
Ensovoort, volume 41 (2020), number 7: 1
In recent years, …
Title: South Africa’s Troubled Landownership (1652 – 2019): Conclusions and a Dictum – Part 2 (19)
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Researcher, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty of Humanities, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa (Author and Researcher: Healthcare, …
Title: South Africa’s Troubled Land-ownership (1652 – 2019): Conclusions and a Dictum – Part 1 (18)
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Researcher, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty of Humanities, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa (Author and Researcher: Healthcare, …
Title: Critical evaluation of the three main political parties’ capability to steer successful land expropriation in post-2019 South Africa: Part 3-The ANC in perspective (17: ANC’s troubled leadership)
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Researcher, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty …
Title: Critical evaluation of the three main political parties’ capability to steer successful land expropriation in post-2019 South Africa: Part 3-The ANC in perspective (16: Outdated ANC)
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Researcher, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty of …
Title: Critical evaluation of the three main political parties’ capability to steer successful land expropriation in post-2019 South Africa: Part 3-The ANC in perspective (15: Opportunism)
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Researcher, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty of Humanities, …
Title: Critical evaluation of the three main political parties’ capability to steer successful land expropriation in post-2019 South Africa: Part 3-The ANC in perspective (13: Violence and Crime)
Gabriel P Louw
iD orcid.org/0000-0002-6190-8093
Extraordinary Researcher, Focus Area Social Transformation, Faculty …