Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 1

Title: Carrying Von Bertalanffy’s baton: Systems, complexity and network science, Part 1
Author: Dr. Burgert Senekal, University of the Free State.
Ensovoort, volume 42 (2021), number 5: 3


Ludwig von Bertalanffy formulated his General Systems Theory (GST) shortly after …

Exploring circular systems-based education in South Africa: A collaborative approach to digital learning

Author: Dr Eben Haeser Swanepoel
Orcid Id: 0000-0003-3205-5244
Postdoctoral Researcher, North-West University, Economic and Management Sciences, GIFT.
PhD: Psychology of Education (UFS), M.Ed Psychology of Education (UFS), Hons Psychology (UNISA), B.Ed FET (UFS)
Ensovoort, volume 41 (2020), number 6: 1